Sep 2018
Innovative Program for Improving Health at the Hospital
Published in General on September 30, 2018

New things are happening at Port Macquarie Base Hospital, the latest of which will help to speed up the recovery of in-patients as well as help maintain their fitness. A newly launched program that has been approved by the Heart Foundation of Australia encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to go “Walkabout” during their hospital stay.
Jessica Morris, an Aboriginal Mental Health worker, said that this program will have a positive impact on social and emotional well-being. Information from the Heart Foundation supports the idea that walking around daily has benefits for one’s overall health. Walking regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease and keep one healthy.
During recovery in a hospital, going out for a walk can help your body recover by stretching your limbs and keeping them from getting too stiff and cramped. And a little Vitamin D is good for the body, both mentally and emotionally.
Aboriginal health in the area is an important topic. While many walking groups are present in Hastings, this walking group at the hospital, which expects to have around 8 patients every Tuesday, is the first initiative to be launched at a hospital. Mrs Morris said that the aim revolves around “engaging Aboriginal people who are in hospital together.” Through this program, hospital staff also hopes to “empower them to walk in their own communities once they get out.” In this way, the families of patients and the communities will also benefit. Hopefully the positive influence of the program will continue to extend outward.