Boonah Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Boonah Hospital

Boonah Hospital

  • 11-17 Leonard Street, Boonah, Queensland, Australia
  • 07 5463 3300
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Boonah Hospital

Boonah Health Service is a 23-bed acute care facility offering a range of generalist services for both ambulatory and inpatient care, including an emergency department with access to medical care 24-hours a day.

Additional services include general outpatients, nurse-led pharmacy, X-ray, physiotherapy, social work and mental health.

Boonah Health Service provides the local community with designated rehabilitation beds for low intensity needs.

A wide range of private and public visiting services are hosted at the Boonah Health Service, including dental, child health, children's therapists, dietetics, podiatry and diabetes.

The Boonah Health Service can provide financial assistance through the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme to eligible patients who need to travel away to other health services for procedure and tests not available locally.

Telehealth services are available for linking to other facilities or specialists via video-conference for patients.

Boonah Health Service partners with the local community to provide a Meals on Wheels service.

Services available at Boonah Hospital

  • Emergency services

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