Brisbane Endoscopy Services Hospital Accommodation
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The GIE partners have operated Brisbane Endoscopy Services (BES) at Sunnybank since 1987. GIE developed its core policies and procedures at BES. Our Doctors are very proud of Brisbane Endoscopy Services as the values, services and experiences gained here have assisted in establishing the gastrointestinal endoscopy services provided at the other centres they now work within – The Wesley and North West Private Hospitals and Chermside Day Hospital.
On the 8th and 9th April 2015 BES had their first certification audit for compliance to National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQHSS) and ISO 9001:2008. BES are pleased to announce that they received accreditation with no ‘non-conformances’ and no ‘not mets’. The BES Partners thanked all the staff involved with this outstanding result, and this is a testament to the quality of the services at BES and the wonderful team of administration and nursing staff. BES will continue to be audited annually to ensure that they continue to manage risk and improve quality.
The Gastroenterologists believe that selecting and training their own nursing and clerical staff, selecting their preferred equipment and developing their own clinical pathways has advantages for their patients, referring doctors and themselves.
The services developed at Brisbane Endoscopy Services underpin a safe, effective and professional gastrointestinal endoscopy service for all their patients and referring doctors throughout Brisbane.
GIE offers ‘Open Access’ endoscopy services for colonoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at Brisbane Endoscopy Services. Private procedural work, including capsule endoscopy, is also performed at this day hospital facility.