Capricorn Coast Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Capricorn Coast Hospital

Capricorn Coast Hospital

  • 8 Hoskyn Drive, Hidden Valley, Queensland, Australia
  • 07 4913 3000
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Capricorn Coast Hospital

A three-year public-private partnership agreement has enabled the hospital to be fully staffed with six full-time medical officers.

The hospital provides a 24-hours a day, seven days a week emergency department, inpatient and outpatient care, and a range of health services.

Capricorn Coast Hospital and Health Service (HHS) has helped more than 600 local families since the introduction of the Mums and Bubs initiative, providing free health checks to babies at two and four weeks of age.

The Capricorn Coast HHS is a trial site for the new Stroke pathway initiative, ensuring patients have access to timely treatment.

Weekly drop-in clinics are provided at the Yeppoon Central Shopping Centre, giving local women access to child health nurses in a convenient community location.

Services available at Capricorn Coast Hospital

  • Emergency services

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$0 - $0

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