Gatton Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Gatton Hospital

Gatton Hospital

  • 97-103 William Street, Gatton, Queensland, Australia
  • 07 5468 4188
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Gatton Hospital

Gatton Health Service is a 22-bed acute care facility providing a comprehensive range of emergency, inpatient, ambulatory and acute care services.

The Gatton Health Service offers general and emergency medicine, palliative care, outpatient care, pharmacy services, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, child health, immunisation services, maternity and neonatal home care.

The Gatton Health Service has access to 2.5 full-time medical staff 24-hours a day. They also have access to specialist nursing staff, including a nurse practitioner, rural and remote endorsed registered nurses, midwives and licensed X-ray operators.

Within the past 12 months, the Gatton Health Service has undergone major works, including an electrical upgrade, the replacement of the generator and ceilings, and a new ducted air conditioning system.

The Gatton Health Service can provide financial assistance through the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme to eligible patients who need to travel away to other health services for procedure and tests not available locally.

Telehealth services are available for linking with other facilities via video-conference for patients.

Services available at Gatton Hospital

  • Emergency services

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$0 - $0

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