Glen Innes Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Glen Innes Hospital

Glen Innes Hospital

  • 94 Taylor Street, Glen Innes, NSW, 2370, Australia
  • 02 6739 0200
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Glen Innes Hospital
Glen Innes Hospital is a 32 bed district hospital serving the communities of Glen Innes and surrounding districts.Services include admissions, medical/acute care, maternity, hospice care unit, 24 hour emergency department, paediatric, obstetrics and outpatient services, as well as general elective surgery and other elective surgery.  Visiting specialist include aged care specialists and the hospital also has a blood bank and x-ray servicesCo-located in the hospital is the Community Health Centre which provides occupational therapy, social work, general and drug and alcohol counselling, child and family health, audiometry, speech pathology, living skills and mental health services, amongst other visiting services.Glen Innes is supported by NSW Ambulance Service.There is one general practice facilities in Glen Innes.

Services available at Glen Innes Hospital

  • Domiciliary care unit
  • Emergency department
  • Hospice care unit
  • Obstetric services

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