Montserrat Day Indooroopilly Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Montserrat Day Hospital Indooroopilly

Montserrat Day Hospital Indooroopilly

  • 12 Riverview Terrace, Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia
  • 07 3878 7222
  • Private Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Montserrat Day Hospital Indooroopilly

Montserrat's Indooroopilly Day Hospital is located in the heart of Brisbane's western suburbs and every year provides treatment to over 6,000 patients. Our specialists include both Gastroenterologists and General Surgeons and this clinic forms the foundation from which the Montserrat reputation is built on.

The focus of this clinic is purely on Gastroenterology and Endoscopy and that focus ensures a consistently high level of service for each and every patient. Every patient who is undergoing a Colonoscopy will be fully assessed by our staff upon booking their appointment which will include both a nurse consultation and procedure appointment.

The nurse consultation is a vital component in ensuring each and every procedure is able to be provided to the highest possible standard. This consultation generally takes 10-20 minutes and will usually be 3-7 days before your procedure.

This Hospital comprises of

  • 2 procedure rooms
  • 2 pre-operative bed
  • 5 first stage recovery beds
  • A suite for 5 patients in second stage recovery and
  • 4 consulting rooms

Services available at Montserrat Day Hospital Indooroopilly

  • Gastroenterology
  • Endoscopy

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