Mount Isa Base Hospital Accommodation
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The $65.19 million Mount Isa Hospital redevelopment will improve health service access, provide an environment that supports contemporary models of care, and improve patient facilities and staff amenities.
Extensive construction and redevelopment has seen the construction of a new outpatients centre, oral health and mental health facilities, and upgrades to the existing medical and surgical ward.
The emergency department was relocated into a purpose built facility with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. This environment will strengthen models of care and enhance patient flow providing more efficient and safer quality-of-care.
The new regional cancer care unit has greater capability to support increased cancer services throughout the North West Hospital and Health Service and will allow patients to be treated locally. Telehealth has further enabled increased access for remote clients and families to cancer care services.
Funding of $10 million has been allocated to the redevelopment of the maternity unit, central sterile service department and the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) building.
Various other small capital works programs have been completed, including a major lift upgrade and the installation of a new ramp for maternity.
Services available at Mount Isa Base Hospital
- Emergency department
- Maintenance renal dialysis unit
- Obstetric services
- Oncology unit