Omeo District Health Hospital Accommodation
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Omeo District Health is located in the Victorian High country, 430km North East of Melbourne on the Great Alpine Road. After Gold was discovered in 1851, the extremely isolated region changed dramatically with a large influx of visitors and Omeo was officially declared a township in 1872.
Omeo District Health has grown from a district hospital, incorporated in November 1891, to a modern facility, fully renovated and officially opened in December 2005.
Omeo District Health supports existing services at Swifts Creek And Ensay along with the numerous small communities such as Cassilis, Bindi, Benambra, Glen Wills and Anglers Rest that occupy the many picturesque, rugged valleys throughout the catchment, which covers 5,567 square kilometres.
The Board of Management responds to the ever changing face of Health Care by continually reviewing the services delivered and exploring innovative ways of meeting the needs of the community.
Our Aged Care facility consists of ten high level care and four low level care residential aged care beds. There are four acute illness beds (Hospital Care). Omeo District Health has an emergency stabilisation facility, which receives and treats patients who are in need of urgent medical attention.
Omeo District Health provides a large range of community and Home Based Services such as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Counselling, Youth Work, Health Promotion, Dietetics and Speech Pathology, Adult Planned Activity Group (PAG), District Nursing, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetic Counselling and Community Dental Services. Service delivery is enhanced where necessary, through partnership arrangements that provide a reliable provision of all services.
Omeo District Health includes a modern medical practice providing General Practice services to Omeo District Health, Ensay Community Health Centre and the Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre Omeo District Health maintains full accreditation status from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
Services available at Omeo District Health
- Domiciliary care unit
- Emergency services
- Nursing home care unit
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