Pambula Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Pambula Hospital

Pambula Hospital

  • Merimbola Street, Pambula, NSW, 2549, Australia
  • 02 6495 6002
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Pambula Hospital

From May 2016 with the opening of the new South East Regional Hospital, Pambula Hospital has changed its role. Once a fully functioning local hospital with Emergency, Theatre and Obstetrics it now has a smaller complementary role. The hospital has 12 inpatient beds with large rooms, each having space for a table and chairs. The patients are usually local people undertaking rehabilitation or palliative care. The doctors working at Pambula Hospital are local General Practitioners from Pambula, Merimbula, Eden and Tura Beach acting as Visiting Medical Officers. There are often medical students and nursing students at the hospital.

There is a nurse led assessment and treatment service in what was the emergency department. This caters to minor illnesses and injuries. More serious emergencies and all ambulance cases are taken to South East Regional Hospital.

Services available at Pambula Hospital

  • Alcohol and drug unit
  • Domiciliary care unit

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