Springsure Hospital Accommodation

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Logo of Springsure Hospital

Springsure Hospital

  • Woodbine Street, Springsure, Queensland, Australia
  • 07 4984 1200
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Photo of Springsure Hospital

Springsure provides a range of health services to the community, including emergency, inpatients and outpatients, and residential aged care with 10 permanent aged care beds.

It has a 24-hours a day, seven days a week nurse-led emergency department, with access to an on-call medical officer for acute emergencies.

Registered nurses are rural and isolated practice trained enabling them to work in a rural area and deliver a wider range of care.

Springsure hosts a suite of visiting community and allied health clinics, including physiotherapy, speech pathology, podiatry, dietetics, occupational therapy, child health nurse and women's health.

Home and Community Care services are available and managed on-site, providing support and assistance to allow residents to remain in their own homes.

Springsure provides inpatient facilities to subacute medical, palliative and respite patients.

Telehealth services are available for linking with specialist staff at other hospitals via video-conferencing, which means suitable patients no longer have to travel long distances for appointments.

A limited X-ray service is provided on-site by licensed operators.

Services available at Springsure Hospital

  • Domiciliary care unit
  • Emergency services

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