Urana Multi Purpose Service Hospital Accommodation

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Urana Multi Purpose Service

  • 127-129 Princess Street, Urana, NSW, 2645, Australia
  • 02 6920 8106
  • Public Hospital
  • < 50 beds
Urana MPS is a 22- bed facility, of which, seven (7) beds are allocated as High care residential aged care, 12 beds for low care, and the remaining three (3) beds allocated for acute & respite care. The layout of the MPS with existing high care rooms collocated with acute beds and low care beds in a separate wing impacts on staffing efficiencies. Ageing in place is possible, but has staffing implications.Community Health service areas are in a standalone building on the MPS site.The MPS is compliant, and in good condition. Storage is limited. Resident accommodation at the MPS consists of single rooms with ensuites for the low care rooms and shared ensuites for high care. There are lounge and dining areas for residents which have had the addition of new furniture in recent years to improve the home like feel of the these spaces. Outdoor areas are pleasant with a central courtyard in the low care wing.The MPS provides integration for acute services, residential aged services, and community services under one organisational structure. The facility provides palliative care services within the inpatient section. High care respite is also available. All beds are used flexibly.The ED has a one bay resuscitation area for acute management, treatment, admission or transfer and a second bay which is used for mental health and lower acuity patients. Community Health Services are provided from the on-site standalone building by local and visiting services.

Services available at Urana Multi Purpose Service

  • Domiciliary care unit
  • Emergency department
  • Nursing home care unit

5 km

$0 - $0

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